Monday, May 25, 2020
Thunder rides a black horse - 1100 Words
Thunder Rides a Black Horse Introduction to Anthropology 01 This report is based on the book Thunder Rides a Black Horse written by Claire R. Farrer. This book is written in context of an indian group called the Mescalero Apache Indians. Their reservation and ceremonial grounds are based in the south-central part of New Mexico. The author is very familiar with this tribe as she claims to be like family with some of the members. She writes this book based on her visit to join in on one of their big traditions. It is called the puberty ceremonials. These ceremonies are where the young girls of the tribe are traditionally accepted as women into their society. The Mescalero Apache Indians still†¦show more content†¦When the last song is sung the girls all raise their hand with a painted sun on it and if the timing is right the sun will illuminate from the tips of the mountains and strike their upraised hands. As they did in the first day the girls are to give blessings. The first song they sing has to do with infancy, second is childhood , then adulthood and finally one about old age. After the last song is sung the girls start to do their runs around the baskets which are placed further away to symbolize the girls movements into adulthood and need to be reminded that they can’t rely on their parents anymore. After the final run the girls are now women. There are a lot of important people who play major roles during the ceremonial times. The main actors in the ceremony are obviously the girls who are being transformed into women. Then the godmothers are a big part of the ceremony. They are mostly there to bring the girls from place to place and help them out. Also they are there to praise and give them certain blessings. The women before the ceremony usually are responsible for preparing the ritual foods. The girls puberty ceremonial is a huge tradition that transforms the young girls into mature Apache women. They do this ceremony because it has been the way their ancestors ritually accepted girls change into women in their society. The anthropologist main role is to observe and record what is going on. She practices participant-observation because she lives among themShow MoreRelatedThunder rides a black horse, by Claire Farrer1551 Words  | 7 PagesI feel that what Claire Farrer means by living in the mythic present is that although most Indian culture is perceived long to have been different, it is in fact very live and active today. I will give specific examples from her book, Thunder Rides a Black Horse, to support my arguments of what the mythic present actually means and list many examples of events that could be considered to be in the mythic present. First I will define the mythic present in the terms that Claire Farrer actuallyRead MoreMacbeth: A Foreshadowing Essay905 Words  | 4 Pagesif you ask me. 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