Saturday, July 20, 2019

The History and Objectives of Sex pre-Selection Essay -- Exploratory E

The History and Objectives of Sex pre-Selection Scientists have been aware for many years that dominant X-chromosomes produced females and sperm dominate Y-chromosomes produced males. However, it wasn’t until 1975 when scientist Ronald J. Ericsson, PhD. Began studies to determine whether or not enriched sperm samples would aid in the offspring of a desired gender. Sex pre-selection literally means the selection or induction of the gender of a child prior to conception. Sex pre-selection was first established in the 1970s which scientists stained X and Y sperms to successfully identify them. Rigorous work has been complied on this treatment in the last three decades due to increasing demand from society for the â€Å"balanced family† and â€Å"planned pregnancy† with regards to the â€Å"chosen baby.† The concepts pf sex selection can easily be traced back to the ancient times of China, Greece, Egypt and India. People of these communities had their own methods of convincing a baby of a desired gender. Many methods and approaches used during the ancient times are still u...

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